Our Team

A team that has the vigor of youth to throw themselves into any fight, but also professional experience to form a plan that will lead to positive results. Understanding that combining the classic with innovation make a good team, BA understood that adaptability to new situations of the time, is a principle of performance and customer support with always updated ideas.

Vasile băiculescu


Through his strong criminal law background, Vasile has developed a specialized experience in white collar crimes, including tax evasion, money laundering, corruption, and cybercrime.

Victoria Eremeev


Having been involved in most of the significant cases the company worked on over the last years, Victoria has particular expertise in white collar crimes and compliance.

liviu bosoancă


Liviu Bosoancă, a lawyer with extensive experience in complex litigation and arbitration matters, joined our team as Partner. From said position, he is now coordinating the Dispute Resolution Department.

Antonia PrisAcaru

Managing Associate

Currently, Antonia acts for individuals and organizations in a wide range of cases, from allegations of financial wrongdoing and corruption to smaller crimes as driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances.

Alexandru Constantinescu

Managing Associate

During his previous experiences, Alexandru had control of the full range of legal issues, from criminal law to civil law, intellectual property law, commercial law, and labour law. His passion for criminal sciences has led him to a brilliant evolution in this domain. He is currently specialized in white-collar crimes.

Claudia stoica

Managing Associate

In addition to her civil and commercial law background, Claudia is currently specializing in business and financial crimes.

Mihai Adrian Popa

Senior Associate

Mihai Adrian Popa became part of our criminal law team, with a particular focus on business criminal law, following his tenure as an associate at a prominent law firm within the Romanian legal landscape. His rigorous approach and deep passion for criminal law have positioned him as an ideal addition to the expert team led by Vasile Băiculescu,

Andreea Mihaela Mitroi

Senior Associate

Andreea manages a diverse range of cases, from professional disputes arising from breach of contract terms to conflicts related to an individual’s role as an associate or shareholder in a company. She also handles cases involving automotive incident litigation, a field in which she excels and consistently delivers outstanding results

Maria-Adriana Pîrvu


Since joining the Băiculescu și Asociații team as an associate, Maria Pîrvu has been involved in many of our practice areas including fraud, bribery, and money laundering. She also practices civil and commercial litigation for a number of clients.

Horațiu Pătrașcu

Senior Counsel

Horatiu Pătrașcu is a recent addition to our team, bringing with him a distinguished career as a magistrate in the field of administrative and tax litigation. His extensive experience includes over 10 years at the Bucharest Court of Appeal and approximately 8 years at the High Court of Cassation and Justice, making his presence in our firm a great honor.